The Brief My History
© Okayama P.E. Office
1. Brief my history
1946.11 born in Mie prefecture
1969.5 graduated Tokyo University of department engineering (physics course)
1969.6 join Olympus Optical Industry Ltd.
1970.9 join Hitachi Ltd. Instrument Div. Systems Development Dept
1991.2 registered Professional Engineer (Electrical & Electronics)
1991.10 join Hitachi Ibaraki Technical College (Professor ,Dept. of Electric Engineering)
1992.2 registered Labor Safety Consultant (Electric Safety)
1993.3 Dr. Eng.(Tokyo University )
1999.4 join Hitachi Science Systems, Ltd.
2006.8 registered General Measurement Engineer
2006.12 open Okayama P.E. Office
Now on active
2 . Main development, Analysis, Research & Design
1969 Development of optical electric edge detector for optical microscope
1970 Improvement of transmitter for differential pressure & pressure and design of practical use intrinsic safety model
1972 Development of resist radiant rays pressure transmitter for FBR
1973 Development & Design of resist radiant rays level for FBR in liquid Na
1975 Development & Design of transmitter(with Si –diafragm by piezo-resistive effect)
1980 Development & Design of micro differential pressure transmitter (EI-type used 3D structure : by my patents)
1983 Development & Design of electro-magnetic flow transmitter
1985 Control & Development of non magnetic bed for MRI
1986 Design of hi-power & hi-stability linear-amp. (7kW/3ch)with controlled-response (220kHz PWM)
1989 Analysis of SW power supply circuit & Development of its design method
1985 start education & consult & education on analog circuit & measurement in HS
** intelligent measurement working group(1991,4,5-),
** intelligent sensor system research working group(IEEJ 1999~2001)
1990 Development & Design of level meter byγ-ray
1991 Education on circuit, measurement, control & power electronics
1999 Consultation on sensor, instrumentation technology, trouble shooting and Education on analog circuit & design method at H.S. Ltd.
3. Field of specialty
3-1 Development & Design of sensor & analog circuit under 50MHz
(1) sensor
(2) consultation, design & education on analog circuit
(3) instrumentation technology for industry use
differential pressure & pressure , absolute pressure, level, surface of liquid, specific gravity, density & others
(4) actuator
(5) circuit simulation by P-SPICE
3-2 analysis on design technology & it’s algorithm
3-3 education on electrical circuit
electrical on analog circuit, instrumentation technology, materials for sensor, reliability
4. Qualification
Doctor engineering(Tokyo Univ.)
registered Professional Engineer (Electrical & Electronics)
registered Labor Safety Consultant (Electric Safety)
registered General Measurement Engineer
English test (class2)
Dangerous object treatment engineer (class5)
6. My Books, Papers , Lectures at seminars
*Introduction to Basic Design and analysis of Analog Circuit by the Analog Engineer
(2012 spring, now draft),
*Introduction to Analog Circuit Design,(1994)CORONA PUBLISHING CO.LTD.
*Introduction to Analog Circuit Design for Engineers, (2005)
Nikkan Kougyou Press Ltd.
*Introduction to Basic Analog Circuit Design for Engineers, (2005)
Nikkan Kougyou Press Ltd.
*Re-introduction to Operational Amp Circuit Design for Engineers, (2005)
Nikkan Kougyou Press Ltd.
*Introduction to Design and Analysis of Switching Converter Circuits ,(2006)
Nikkan Kougyou Press Ltd.
*Basic Practice of Electronics Circuit ,(2007)
Nikkan Kougyou Press Ltd.
Books(joint author ship)
*New Generation Sensor Handbook (2008),Baifukan Publushing Ltd.
*Micro Sensor Engineering, (2009), Gizytu Hyouron Ltd.
Papers 4, Oral presentations 3
Patents 30, Write for 6
Seminars :Japan Techno. Center, Japan P.E. association, Hitachi Naka Techno. Center,
CYBERNET SYSTEMS CO.LTD, Torikepps Ltd. , others
Consults is many companies
Study reports was 15 in Hitachi & Hitachi Science Systems.
6. Association and others
Ibaraki P.E. Association, Hitachi P.E. Association, IEEJ, Hitach-Hennzinkai, and others
7. I Concern on Matters
* tradition of analog techniques and systematically analog circuit engineering
*signal conditioning strategy and systematical instrumentations
*signal conditioning and electrical control of sensors and actuators
*multi variable problems
*strategy for high reliability design
8. My Blog access 1.3milion, articles about 1500
「アナログエンジニア」、 http://analog-engineer.cocolog-nifty.com/blog/
9. Hobby
oil painting , driving, archery, astronomical scope, optical apparatus, inter net
10. Address
XXXX, Hitachinaka city, Ibaraki prefecture
11. Contact
TEL/FAX 029-285-7078 portable TEL 080-3477-5513
E-Mail okayamapro@yahoo.co.jp
- ご愛読、ありがとうございました(2012.05.17)
- 3本の木(2012.02.18)
- センター試験考(2012.01.16)
- 震災復旧工事(2012.01.14)
- 台所の床工事(2012.01.09)
ところで先生のときの履歴だが、Dept. of ...より学校だからfacultyがいいかもしれない。但し、会社内の学校のようだから、Deptでもいいのかなと思った。それにしても東大さんなんですね。私にとって東大は夢のまた夢でした。高校での偏差値低かったもんね。
投稿: 非国民 | 2011年12月17日 (土) 19時12分
非国民さん こんばんは。
投稿: 5513 | 2011年12月17日 (土) 20時22分